As a young boy, Aungching was left in the care of an orphanage. His parents, belonging to an ethnic minority, were too poor to send him to school. They wanted him to have a different future than theirs and saw this as his only hope.
Fast forward to two decades later: Aungching graduated with a Master’s Degree from the University of Dhaka - one of the best universities in Bangladesh. He was the first person from his village to ever have attended university, but his ambitions didn’t stop there. Two years and three exams later, he was officially recognized as Assistant Commissioner and Executive Magistrate in Bangladesh, an office that is extremely rare for someone from an ethnic minority to hold. As he explains, in Bangladesh powers are either in the hands of politicians or bureaucrats. So he decided to tackle the challenge head on and is hoping to pass the Bangladesh Civil Service exam soon. Despite this relentless pursuit of climbing through the government ranks, Aungching’s actual dream and the motivation for all this hard work isn’t power, it’s giving back. He is aware of the chance he had and the doors that an education opened for him. He feels strongly that it is his duty to help those who helped him and create opportunities for those who would otherwise be left behind by society. It comes as no surprise that he currently sits on the board of the very orphanage that raised him.
As a civil servant he plans to ensure development in his village and help other ethnic minorities. He wishes to ensure the rights to education, health care, transportation, and electricity to everyone in his community. We consider it a privilege to have had the chance to help him accomplish this first step by building Moita Dream School in his home village.
Aungching hopes he will have more opportunities to develop Moita Dream, upgrading it into a secondary school after several years - and so do we. Despite all his incredible accomplishments and his determination, his dream remains to give other children the same choices he had, so that they too may dream as big as he did.