What started with a single school turned into an effort to open another door. And another one. And another one. While we fight to guarantee that all children have access to education, we’ve also built a program that goes above and beyond and accompanies our students throughout their journey - so that one day they may fulfill the dreams we gave them the freedom to dream in the first place.
By building schools and creating safe environments for learning, we open the first door to children’s education.
By giving our students the possibility to continue their education beyond our schools, we offer them the tools for empowerment and the possibility to make a choice.
By ensuring their life-long quality education, beyond high school and all through university, we support them in choosing their own path and reaching their
fullest potential.
How we contribute to SDG’s
Seven years into our project at Somwang School, we are realizing that the impact of what we do is so much more than just giving children a chance to go to school.

Since we’ve begun our work, we have helped build four schools
in four different countries and given more than hundreds of students
the education they deserve.