Join the Keys
Are you ready to be part of something bigger than yourself?
Join our community of monthly donors bringing education to children in need.
100% of your money will go directly toward educating a child.
Make a difference. Every single month.

Who are the Keys?
The Keys is a passionate group of monthly donors who, just like you, seek to change this world for the better. We live in a world that can often appear hard and overwhelming. Paralyzing even. And sometimes we don’t know where to go anymore, for all we see are walls. But we don’t have to stop there. They say to educate a child is to turn walls into doors. And that is exactly what we are trying to do. And to open doors we need keys. And, well you guessed right: That’s where you come in. We need you to give us the keys, so that we may pass them on to all the children out there, so that they may open new doors to new futures.
What to expect when you join?
Your monthly donations won’t just sit in a bank account. They will help us directly support the education of our students. With just 30€ a month, you can keep a child in school. Your donations will pay our teachers, provide nutritious meals, clean water, school supplies, computers, field trips, and so much more! Knowing you have our back also let’s us expand our programs and innovate within the classroom. In short: your monthly gift allows us all to dream big!
As a member, you can expect:
Quarterly Good News: progress reports and stories from the field to learn more about how your money is changing lives.
Photos and videos of the children and communities you’ve impacted.
A surprise end-of-year token of appreciation.
Set up monthly donations using the button above,
or set up a regular transfer from your bank account to ours:
IBAN LU24 0030 8753 3743 0000

Not ready to give monthly?
Make a one-time donation to support a child’s education.
Have a question? Shoot us an email or simply fill out our contact form.